Searching for premises and supporting the process of renting or buying - the basic criteria to pay attention to

Searching for premises is one of the labor-intensive agent services provided by UKRAINIAN CONSULT GROUP. This type of activity requires from our experts the maximum concentration on the wishes of the client and excellent knowledge of the real estate market. The key factors for finding a good offer are the location, infrastructure, area of ​​the premises, as well as many other equally important parameters. After the client applies to our company, we will analyze a number of important factors for the selection of real estate and determine the most advantageous offer for the implementation of its business objectives.

Format. First of all, you need to think about what kind of room you need. Determine the required area, ceiling height, shape, width of windows and the need for sufficient space for goods, tools or equipment to implement your business idea, etc. At this stage, you should carefully analyze your potential expectations of the scale of the work process for the effective selection of real estate.

Features. The next selection criterion is the features of the room. For example, technical features are extremely important here - power supply, the availability of centralized water supply, heating, sewerage, the number of exits from the premises (for staff and customers), the place of unloading machines with goods and more. All these features are dictated by special laws and regulations, as well as the tasks set by the client for the effective implementation of the business process.

Location. The first step is to determine whether the premises should be located in a shopping center or be a separate shopping center. Location significantly affects cash flow. Because a well-chosen room in an area potentially inhabited by your target audience will affect brand loyalty and store attendance.
A good location of a real estate object is always beneficial for the client, as it makes the project investment attractive.
To properly select the location, we also assess the number and characteristics of future consumers, take into account their purchasing power, analyze the nature of pedestrian and car flows, calculate the required parking capacity for visitors, the usual routes of potential buyers and many other parameters.

Competitors. From the previous point you need to start and explore the market of competitors. We study the balance of supply and demand for this study area. We analyze the work of existing competitors and take into account trends in the retail and development market.

Budget. The financial aspect of finding a room is one of the most difficult, because the payback time of rent or purchase depends on a well-chosen place. Additionally, we can draw up a financial business plan to estimate the timing of the "net" profit from the business.
Our specialists will help you choose a location for the development of your business, taking into account the budget set by the client.

Support of the real estate acquisition process. An important step in maintaining the agreement is to carefully check the documentation for the leased object. The joint work of experienced lawyers and real estate professionals will help save our client's time and money.
Also, the specialists of "UKRAINIAN CONSULT GROUP" provide services of preparation of the contract template, support of the client at all stages of the agreement and further management of the real estate object.

We constantly analyze the market, review hundreds of options and find the most attractive and reliable real estate to invest. Also, actively cooperating with the most dynamic developers in the country, we have a wide range of proposals at all stages of development of real estate projects.
The commercial real estate market is extremely dynamic. Our experts are constantly studying new trends and deepening their experience. Our goal is to accompany the client from the moment of application to the full realization of his business idea.
2021-10-02 14:16