The phenomenon of district shopping centers in small towns

The COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale war in Ukraine, as well as factors related to them, have had an extremely strong impact on the development of shopping and shopping and entertainment complexes. As we can see, even the announced regional projects are forced to postpone the opening dates to a later period, and the existing complexes are in no hurry to put the completed next lines into operation.

"Letychiv" shopping center, Letychiv

Based on this, today we are observing the trend of the expansion of national and international retailers in small cities and the opening of chain stores in new district projects.

"Atlant" shopping center, Sambir

Svalyava shopping center "Kurotny"

The strongest national players, such as Fozzi Food, ATB, Comfy, Foxtrot, Golden Age, Allo, Moyo, Promin, Miracle Island, Anabel Arto, Guilia, Apteka 911, which are joined by active and competitive local networks such as Taistra, Expert, Blysk, Dini, Kopiyochka, Apteka DS, IQ Pizza, "Yuki" and others. often completely form the rental pool of such new projects. We are mainly talking about shopping centers with a rental area of up to 10,000 square meters, which are located in small towns with a population of up to 50,000 people, and sometimes, such as "Knyazhiy Halych" shopping center and "Olympia" shopping center, in settlements with a population of up to 20 thousand people.

Slavuta shopping center "VITAMIN"

Solotvyno shopping center "Olympia"

We also see that international retailers are ready to consider shopping centers of this type to expand their expansion. The UKRAINIAN CONSULTING GROUP company is a consultant in the support of many agreements regarding the location of LPP company stores, namely the "SINSAY" brand in district projects where the chain has found its niche. This operator has ambitious plans for expansion in small cities.

Stryi shopping center "Stry City"

Halych shopping center "Knyazhy Halych"

It should be noted that the local developers themselves do an extremely great job, who actively involve specialists to improve the level of their projects: real estate consultants for the selection and harmonious placement of network operators; experienced architectural offices that design a comfortable space taking into account the specific needs of retailers and today's challenges; marketers who analyze the local market, consumer needs, and find the necessary solutions to meet the needs of potential buyers.

Dubno shopping center "Magic City"

Starokostyantiniv Shopping Center

Today, new district shopping centers have well-thought-out management, concise design, convenient parking, unified storefronts, and approved work standards. All this shows that the need for the emergence of new regional shopping centers/malls remains stable, and the professional level of new district projects is constantly growing and is quite high. At the moment, the demand for renting space in shopping centers located in small cities exceeds the supply.

Chortkiv shopping center "PLAZA"

These projects are transformed from places of quick shopping into a comfortable space for shopping and spending time with the whole family. Today presents new district shopping centers with ambitious challenges, and as we can see, they are meeting them more and more successfully.

The UKRAINIAN CONSULT GROUP company, which provides a full range of services in the field of commercial real estate, is ready to assist in the implementation of projects of any complexity for developers and retailers!
2024-03-24 23:17